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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Reading is Up

My reading from To Kill A Mockingbird is now up on the Banned Books Week dedicated channel. It's a great place to visit. All those banned books being read. Take a look: By the way, I think it might sometimes be a good idea to ban a book. There's this discussion up on Goodreads about Catcher In The Rye with people complaining they had to read it at school, that they loved it as teens and hate it now, that they can't see how teens could like it because clearly this guy doesn't know about teens... Of course, it's the first book considered to be YA, but never mind. I read it three times before I was out of high school (once for pleasure, twice for school - Year 11 and Year 12). Just as well I liked it the first time! My advice: ban it again. Then people will want to read it. ;-)

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